COMBEE Global Ltd, Nigeria’s linchpin bio-medical, technical, and procurement company & services in health care industry led by highly qualified, technically sound, team with an inventiveness mission to reach sophisticated Hospital equipment’s and services to patients, at the comfort of their home.

Medical Gases

The MEDICAL GASES used in a hospital are life-supporting elements with direct influence in maintaining the life of a patient. Therefore, at the sections where the medical gases are used, it is simply vital to ensure that the medical gas must be clean, highly pure and supplied under proper and stable pressure.
Our company ensures that those regulations and standards are respected. We apply to the system a thoroughgoing color coordination according to the kind of gas, an audio-visual monitoring capable of checking the situation, and a device to prevent cross connection at medical gas outlets, all based on the concept, "more safely" and "more securely".

combee global services

Combee Special

24/7 Services

ECO Friendly

Budget Friendly

Expert Engineering

Ontime Delivery

Planned Activity

Quality Assurence

Safe & Cosistent purity
